August 24, 2007

TO: Interested Parties

FM: Art Morris – High School Math Teacher and Multiple Sclerosis Sufferer

RE: Letter of Recommendation for ADAM STROCK
Ladies and Gentlemen,

After having displayed mild symptoms of multiple sclerosis for at least 20 years, I experienced a major exacerbation of those symptoms about a year and a half ago. In addition to an increase in various kinds of pain, I lost much of my ability to balance while performing simple actions, such as walking across the floor; I began falling down. This became a commonplace that I found it necessary to take a leave of absence from my job. At 55 years of age I was beginning to worry.

While on leave, I filled my day with yoga, tai chi, and simple exercises, all with the aid of a chair or a cane for safety. Although the nerve damage (which is actually in my brain and spine) cannot be repaired, I experienced slight improvements because the muscles of my limbs grew somewhat stronger, and were better able to cope despite the nerve damage. However, since I have very little knowledge of human musculature or effective exercise techniques, my improvement was quite limited.

I joined 24 Hour Fitness with the idea that I could trust the machines to keep me from falling, while exercising a number of different muscles. While at the club, I was highly impressed by Adam Strock’s conscientious attention to detail when working with his clients. It was easy to see that he is a person who takes his job seriously, and cares very much that his clients experience the greatest improvement possible for their various ages and conditions.

Over the past few months, Adam and I have worked together from one to four days a week. During this time I have found him to be knowledgeable of human anatomy, and very creative in combining machines, free weights, and a collection of other equipment that I would have never known could help restore my balance and stability. He has made a huge difference in my quality of life and sense of well-being. My friends and family, while never having met him, believe Adam to be a miracle worker when they see me with no observable symptoms. He gave me back a great deal of my confidence. I just returned from a 10-day backpacking trip in the Sierra without any falls or mishaps, mainly thanks to Adam Strock.


Art Morris

Screenshot of Art's Letter of Recommendation for fitness training with Adam Strock by a high school teacher and Multiple Sclerosis sufferer - with Art's phone number redacted
Screenshot of Art’s Letter of Recommendation for fitness training with Adam Strock.
Click the image to see a scanned copy in PDF form.

For more client reviews click here.

For more information about multiple sclerosis (M.S.) visit

If you are interested in training with Adam Strock please use the contact page to inquire about setting up a free one-on-one fitness assessment at the Strock Fitness training studio.

Please note: if you have a medical condition or chronic pain it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting a fitness regimen. A physician’s release or a note from your doctor maybe required before training with Adam Strock.